South Lamar Neighborhood Association
Meeting Notes
October 16, 2003
· President Kevin Lewis called the meeting to order.
o Everyone introduced themselves. There were approximately 20 people in attendance.
o Nancy Hohengarten, candidate for County Court #2 Judge, introduced herself and spoke about her candidacy. For more information call Nancy at 474-9004 or see her web site: The election is 3/2/2004.
· There were several announcements.
o Kevin: Barton Hills Neighborhood Association is having a trail work day on Saturday October 25th from 8:30-3PM. Meet at the Homedale entrance to the greenbelt. RSVP so they know how many tools and how much LUNCH to provide.
o Bryan: the South Austin Culture Club is having the Town Park Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting at the Austin Lyric Opera on November 19th from 11:30AM to 1PM. There will be ‘virtual tours’ of the park and food from Changos. See
o Rona Distenfield said that she has spoken with someone from the Texas Railroad Commission concerning the train noise. Apparently the rules for trains are about to come under federal regulation and there may be some avenue via different railway crossing barriers for quieter trains. There was some discussion as to what regulations trains are currently under, and the issue of homeless folks on the tracks that may cause the whistles to be sounded regardless of the barrier types. Rona said she’d be willing to help get more information.
· Presentation by Amanda Buehler, from Solar Austin.
o Solar Austin has been around for about 1 year.
o They have 3 goals: obtain 30% electricity from renewable sources by 2010, commit 2% of annual utility budget to solar programs, and increase fuel efficiency through solar.
o Amanda works for Public Citizen.
o Her goal is to gather citizen support for more renewable energy sources for Austin.
o Austin Energy needs prompting from citizens to support solar energy and renewable sources.
o Consider the Green Choice program at Austin Energy.
o For more information see
· Bryan King spoke on Envision Central Texas
o Covers 5 county area greatly impacted by growth in the near future – Travis, Bastrop, Hays, Williamson, Caldwell.
o Area population could double within the next 20-40 years.
o Regional Vision Survey – Bryan handed out. Also online at
o Bryan discussed the 4 scenarios presented by the survey, and the impact on our urban neighborhood.
o Important to preserve quality of life for our neighborhood.
o For more information on the impact to our area, see the Austin Neighborhood Council web site at - they have a 12-page position paper.
· Carol Gibbs spoke on Keep Austin Beautiful program and Bluebonnet Lane.
o Clean up Bluebonnet (and/or other neighborhood streets) once a quarter
o Get a road sign for SLNA with the Adopt-a-Street program
o Bryan suggested we form a committee to investigate and pursue the idea
o Daryl said he would help organize
o Rona also volunteered
o Other suggestions for cleanup were Thornton, Lightsey, and Clawson
o Joshua said that Robin Shephard, from South Oak, would help clean up Clawson
· Kevin talked about the 2004 SLNA Officer elections
o 5 positions: president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and ANC representative
o Three officers are willing to continue serving next year: Kevin Lewis – President, Bill Stoughton – Treasurer, Charlton Perry – ANC rep
o Hilary Dyer has served 2 years as secretary, and is not eligible for a third term
o Steve Lacker is unable to serve again as Vice President
o Kevin asked if there were any nominations for officers, or anyone interested and willing to serve as an officer – no one responded.
o Bryan made a motion that we accept by acclimation those willing to continue to serve in their positions (Kevin, Bill, and Charlton) and allow the executive committee to fill the two empty positions (secretary and VP) for 2004.
o Carol 2nded the motion
o A vote was taken and passed 11-0
o The officers for 2004 are:
§ Kevin Lewis – President
§ OPEN – Vice President
§ Bill Stoughton – Treasurer
§ OPEN – Secretary
§ Charlton Perry – ANC Representative
§ The executive committee will work to fill the two open positions. If anyone is interested, please contact Kevin or any exec committee member.
· Kevin talked about bylaw amendments
o Suggestion to change the membership and requirement for 10 day waiting period – renewing members should be able to vote immediately upon paying dues at the first meeting of the new calendar year (and not have to wait the 10 days).
o A motion was made that an SLNA member who was in good standing in the previous calendar year, but whose membership has lapsed, can at the 1st meeting of the new calendar year immediately become a member in good standing (and therefore be eligible to make motions and vote) if they pay their membership dues or request a waiver at that time.
o The motion was 2nded and passed 11-0.
o Other discussion about paying dues in the last quarter and about policy statements took place, but no changes to the bylaw were proposed.
· Bryan King - Developer’s Agent Resolution
o Bryan presented text of a resolution (see attached) which discussed a code of behavior expected by SLNA for any developer’s agent. If an agent does not abide by the resolution, then SLNA has the option of not negotiating with them in the future.
o All developer’s agents will have a ‘clean slate’ to start with.
o Kevin made suggestions about changing the text. Combine the 1st 2 paragraphs, and edit bullet point 1 to include “or to any jurisdictional authority”. Remove the final sentence. Remove “whereas”.
o Discussion ensued and members agreed with Kevin except to leave the more formal verbiage.
o Carol suggested that there needs to be documentary evidence if someone violates the agreement.
o It was suggested that SLNA should get agents to sign a copy of the resolution to show they have been given notice.
o A vote was taken to accept the resolution as amended, and passed 9-0.
o Bryan will revise and it will be posted on the web site.
· Kevin thanked everyone and the meeting was ended.
For corrections to these minutes contact Hilary Dyer