South Lamar Neighborhood Association
October 18, 2001
1. Seton Southwest: The meeting was called to order by Bryan King, SLNA President, followed by a very brief presentation by David Smith, RN with Seton Southwest. He shared several informational brochures, including one announcing their Halloween party for children on 10/31 from 6-8 p.m. Seton Southwest is located at 7900 FM 1826 near the Y in Oak Hill. The Halloween Carnival includes a costume contest, clowns, photo booth, games, and trick-or-treat.
2. Introductions were made. Several new neighbors joined the meeting.
3. Neighborhood Academy: Bryan shared information about the Neighborhood Academy Classes that are being offered by the City. The purpose of these classes is to help citizens become better informed about various aspects of planning to enable them to participate more fully in the neighborhood planning process. Bryan expressed some concerns about the problems being experienced by NAs who are currently going through the planning process. Many neighbors and even participants in the planning groups did not get notified about aspects of the process creating many delays in getting the plans finalized. He feels the City needs to do more than just make these classes available as a solution to some of these problems. He was quick to point out that the classes would offer some good information, but there was more that needed to be done to remedy issues with the Neighborhood Planning process. If you would like more information about these classes, contact Bryan or go to
4. Hammond Homes update: Some work has been done on the lot to lay water and drainage lines that will go through a lot currently undeveloped in Kinney Court. We still do not know if a house will be built over this lot, but have been told that is the plan. This could present problems for future owners of the home if pipes break and so forth. Bryan had also heard that the existing house on the Del Curto property will be turned into an office for the development and that development will begin in about six months.
5. Candidate Forum: There will be a forum on Thursday, October 25th at Becker Elementary from 7-8:30 p.m. Becker is located at 906 Milton.
6. Southwest Commanders Forum: There will be a APD forum on December 12th at the new South Substation located at 404 Ralph Ablanedo off Congress Avenue.
7. Parties: Our regular weekly Happy Hour has resumed on Fridays from 6 p.m. until we go home at Maria’s Taco Express. On October 27th the King Family and Friends will host a Haunting and food drive at their home. The invitation follows:
Woods at the King Ranch" Halloween Party.
(haunted house... out in the woods)
Saturday the 27th starting at 7:30...
We'll start the haunt when it is good and DARK!
This is a Food Drive for the Capitol
Area Food Bank
Admission 1 food item (minimum! give till it hurts... its for local folks!)
BYOB ... we'll have soft drinks, snacks, and juice for the kids.
King Ranch (our house) is located at 1809 Lightsey Road (take Del Curto off South Lamar to Lightsey). Call 444-9268 for directions if necessary. We'll tie some balloons on the mailbox out on the road.
8. Holiday Social: Our next SLNA meeting is scheduled for December 20th. A motion was made by Patricia and seconded by Bill to make this event a party. The motion carried unanimously. Members are encouraged to take a break from last minute shopping, bring food and drink, and stop by to wish your neighbors Happy Holiday and Peace on Earth.
9. Questions from members:
Where are we on the sidewalks?
Bryan has been trying to get a committee chair to get things going. After some discussion, a motion was made to elect Patricia Fiske, Committee Chair. She will be contacting some of the folks, who have expressed an interest in this issue, to help her. If you are interested in giving some of your time to this committee please contact Patricia.
What is going on with all the plantings at the houses on Bluebonnet? Is a new business being developed?
No. The families owning these houses are in the landscaping business, and they are just improving the grounds.
What about the storage building project at Kinney?
No news available on that front.
What about the Mary Lee property on Ravey?
No news on that front either.
What can be done about noisy neighbors throwing a party until all hours?
Call 311 to report non-emergency problems to the police.
When do the SLNA meeting announcement signs go up?
Bryan will turn over the signs to Hillary who will try to get them up the weekend prior to the meeting. He is also trying to buy several more signs.
Where is the nearest library?
The nearest is at Twin Oaks shopping center at Oltorf and Congress. For a more full-service library try the downtown branch or the branch at Manchaca and Stasney.
10. Adjourned: A motion was made by Marci Roberts to adjourn and seconded by Kate Moss. The motion carried and the meeting was dismissed.
Next meeting will be December 20th - a Holiday Social for SNLA. Bring drinks and snacks to share.
Corrections to the meeting notes may be given to Kate Moss at the next meeting or sent to her via email to