SLNA Meeting Minutes 10-21-04
Officers present: Kevin Lewis, Carol Gibbs, Bill Stoughton, Charlton Perry, Roberta Leahy
The meeting was called to order at 7:06.
· The Dispute Resolution Center will be offering a dispute resolution and mediation focus group on 10/24/04 at the Good Shepherd Church. They are a resource even if you don't take the workshop. Details at .
· A rep from the Austin Farmer's Market spoke, encouraging all to support local area farms, ranches, dairies, and nurseries every Sat. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Republic Square Park on 4th & Guadalupe through Dec. 18th. For more info visit
· Rick L’Amie and Brad Ehlers presented the Capital Metro long range transit plan, on the Nov. 2 ballot. David Foster advocated in favor of the proposition, and Jim Skaggs presented an opposing viewpoint. Handouts were provided by each. A question and answer period followed the presentations.
· A slate of SLNA officer candidates for the year 2005 was presented, and nominations invited from the floor. No additional nominations, the members present unanimously elected the following:
Carol Gibbs: President
Nancy MacLaine: Vice president
Roberta Leahy: Secretary
Don Ewalt: Treasurer
Kevin Lewis: ANC/SCC Representative
· Bill Stoughton will continue to serve as SLNA Webmaster
Beth Troell has volunteered to take over the Newsletter, beginning with the Feb. 05 issue.
· The next regular SLNA meeting will be a potluck Holiday Party on December 16th at the Unity Church. All SLNA residents are welcome! Bring a covered dish and a neighbor!
· A final copy of the Private Restrictive Covenant between SLNA and Walgreens was made available for members to review. Kevin stated that he has faith in the developer to make good on all of the promises made. We anticipate that when the road improvements begin, Bluebonnet will be significantly impaired, possibly closed at times. Our input as a neighborhood association was very important to the process. We got a lot of concessions, and got City Council to write them in the ordinance. The process worked. It could have been far worse.
· The neighborhood planning process for S. Lamar has been pushed back to Spring 2005. We need to think about what we would envision for the corridor.
· Neighborhood Cleanup for this quarter will be Sat. December 11, 8 a.m. on Clawson Rd.
· Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM.