South Lamar Neighborhood Association Membership Form


I am a: [     ] New Member            [     ] Renewing Member


Please complete the following. Couples, please use both first names.





Street Address:____________________________________________________



City, State, Zip:  ____________________________________________________



Phone Number:  (       ) _______________________________________________



E-mail : __________________________________________________________



[      ]  Check if you want to join SLNA's Yahoo Email Group


If you live ouside SLNA's borders, please note the address of

the SLNA residential property you own:





Membership is $10/year per household, due in January each year, or be a ‘Star Contributor’ for $20 (or more) per year.



Total Enclosed $_______________________


[      ] Request Hardship Waiver of Membership Fee



Make checks payable to "South Lamar Neighborhood Association"



Mail to:   Mark Schwitau

               SLNA Treasurer

               1819 Village Oak Ct.

               Austin, TX 78704