South Lamar
Neighborhood Association
Austin Police Department 'Burglary in Austin' report
UPDATE: Posted PDF version of this. Click here to view the PDF report.
Special thanks to Kim Rossmo for providing to us with a power point presentation given by APD at the APSC meeting on
Burglary in Austin. Kim had asked APD for a report on the burglary problem in the city and offered
to share it with the SLNA. You can view the report here. The report includes graphs based on APD’s data and some commentary.
If you have any questions please join us for the next SLNA meeting on Mar 17.
The presentation is in Power Point. If you don't have Microsoft Power Point you can download Open Office free.
Thanks for Five Years of Cleaning Up Our Neighborhood!
Sunday morning October 3, 2010 saw 19 SLNA neighbors and friends of the neighborhood hitting the streets to bag up
road-side trash. Volunteers also made a quick sweep of the park grounds.
Altogether the group collected some 20 bags of debris.
This time 'round we had the honor of hosting a couple of special assistants: Hansi Keydel (and dad) and Brian
Sawyer (and parents) of Cub Scouts Pack 17 worked alongside SLNAers to get the trash off our streets. Julie
Espy of the Traditional Martial Arts Academy was there, too; she and husband James Espy have brought us numbers of
helpers over the last couple of years. We truly appreciate the help these community-minded folks give us.
Thank you!
Joining these fine folks were neighbors Randy Muilenburg, Anne Diamon, Bill Stoughton, Jan and Dottie Cartwright,
Carol Gibbs, Bryan King, Nancy Maclaine, Wendy Brennan, Doug Carpenter, and Link Davidson. Neighbor Robert
Wenner joined us for the first time; we hope we'll see him around again.
When our schedule didn't jibe with his, thoughtful neighbor Bob Thompson got up early to clean the streets, allowing
him time for other Sunday activities.
Bryan King got a leg up on park maintenance, cutting grass and weeds down to size.
Getting the trash out of the park creek, Carol Gibbs won the
most-unusual-find award for a Leatherman she retrieved there.
A huge thank-you is due Jan and Dottie Cartwright, who've stepped up to the plate to take over coordination of the
cleanups in the coming year(s?). Wendy and Link announced their retirement as project coordinators, having served
some five years at the helm.
As Wendy and I leave our roles, our thanks go out not only to those who worked with us on Sunday, but also to all the
others who assisted across the
five years of our service to the community. We couldn't have done it without everyone's help. Too, I'd be remiss (and in the doghouse) if I didn't thank my partner Doug Carpenter for his assistance as an unofficial coordinator for the last couple of years.
Look for forthcoming communications from Jan and Dottie, as they work on next year's campaign. Above all,
for those of you already in the habit, please keep coming out; if you've not participated yet, please take the time to
try it out. You'll be surprised just how good a little street cleaning can make you feel.
Thanks, everyone.
Link Davidson &
Wendy Brennan former Keep Austin Beautiful coordinators for SLNA
The Austin Police Department held a South Bureau Commander's Forum on
July 20, 2010, here is the handout from this forum:
South Bureau Commander's Forum 07-20-2010