July-August 2001 SLNA Scoop Archive
8/29/01--New non-emergency police phone number 3-1-1
coming September 17
The Austin Police Department will launch the 3-1-1 non- emergency
telephone system Sept. 17. The following information provides some
answers to some frequently asked questions regarding 3-1-1.
What is 3-1-1?
3-1-1 is a toll-free telephone number that allows people within
the city limits to request police services in non-emergency situations.
Since 3-1-1 is an easy-to-use and easy-to- remember non-emergency
telephone system, it is a major improvement in how the Police Department
serves residents and visitors to Austin.
3-1-1 allows people to request non-emergency police services more
easily and allows the Austin Police Department to handle those
requests more efficiently.
3-1-1 is a toll-free number. People can now use a mobile or pay
phone-free of charge-to request both emergency (9-1-1) and non-emergency
(3-1-1) police services.
3-1-1 will improve the City's Emergency 9-1-1 System. As more
people call 3-1-1 for non-emergencies, 9-1-1 will be available for what
it is designed to handle--real emergency situations.
When to call 3-1-1?
Call 3-1-1 to report incidents and situations that are non- emergencies,
non-life threatening or not currently in progress. Use 3-1-1 to request
information from the Police Department.
Typical 3-1-1 calls include:
--Property crimes that are no longer in progress and the offender is no
longer on the scene. (Examples are vandalism, theft, graffiti,
stolen autos and garage burglaries.)
--Animal control problems.
--Illegally-parked vehicles or vehicles blocking alleys or driveways.
--Telephone numbers, addresses and hours of operation of the Police
Department's divisions or programs.
The official announcement from COA may be read here
8/27/01--Changes to SF-2 SF-3 lot
sizes!!!!!!!!!!! So, net result, your neighborhood could
be chopped into small lot development with no zoning hearing and no
planning commission and no public input! I was shocked. Another
Kinney Court in your backyard with no discussion!.
I heard during the discussion all about
what the developer community was asking for, the bargains that were
struck, etc. .... but nothing about what neighborhoods wanted.
When the planning commission signed off on this one it did not have the
reduced lot sizes in it, according to Jean Mather. She said she
would not have supported it that way.
Another example of how the developers get
preferential treatment at DRID.
This is city wide--not just new
"Milburn" type developments on the edge, but right next to
your traditional neighborhood.
Tell council to pass the connectivity
part, but how about a little neighborhood input before changing base
zoning! 8/27/01--Taco Xpress & the
trailer park
Hello all,
Did anyone else notice that the connectivity - sub division ordinance
discussed last week at council has a big change in the base zoning
for SF-2 and SF-3! I had no idea until I heard it being
discussed on Ch 6. I was shocked. It would basically turn every SF-2 and
SF-3 zoning in the city into SF4A small lot (4500'). So, SF-3
would become 4500' min. The developers even wanted 3600'!
Check this out and let council know
your thoughts. It was postponed
until this Thursday.
Bryan King
I had lunch with Maria today and learned that the Trammel Crow deal is
off! It was too expensive for them to buy her out and they walked
away from the deal. I would think that the slow down in the
economy might have also had something to do with it also....eh?
Hi all,
I had lunch with Maria today and learned that the Trammel Crow deal is
off! It was too expensive for them to buy her out and they walked
away from the deal. I would think that the slow down in the
economy might have also had something to do with it also....eh?
8/24/01--MAD-4 Stays On the Boulevard
Hi gang,
Just a note to let you know that council approved the rollback of South
Lamar to a MAD-4 and the rollback of South First to a MNR-4... in other
words, they stay the same!!!!!! YEAH! Slusher actually put
this item on the agenda.
Thanks to all of you that showed up last night and hung in there till we
were heard at 9pm. We had to listen to 64 people speak on the budget.
I also spoke on the budget item requesting someone to help neighborhoods
with zoning and sub division issues. The council decided to add a
position that they will call "neighborhood ombudsman". I
urged them to call and make the position neighborhood
"advocate". We need someone in
our corner when we go up against the developer types who are well funded
and well educated on how to work the system!... not just dispute
Take care,
8/15/01--News from Austin City Council Member Beverly Griffith
From Council Member Griffith's August 14 Newsletter:
Hello from City Hall! Budget season is upon us and I wanted
to share with you some good news about how you can give
input into our budget-making process. The City Council
approved two additional public hearings. Here’s the revised
Thursday, August 23 – LCRA Board Room, Lake Austin Blvd.
City Council Budget Work Session
Public Hearing (6:00 p.m.): Health & Human Services, FQHC, Parks, Libraries,
Neighborhood Housing, and Neighborhood Planning & Zoning
Thursday, August 30 – LCRA Board Room
City Council Budget Work Session
Public Hearing (6:00 p.m.): Transportation Planning & Sustainability, Public Works,
Austin Energy, Water & Wastewater, Development & Watershed Protection, Solid Waste
The City Council may consider adoption of the budget during these meetings:
Monday, Sept. 10 – Town Lake Center, Barton Springs Rd., 1st Floor Assembly Room
Budget Adoption; Vote on Tax Rate
Tuesday, Sept. 11 – Town Lake Center (if necessary)
Budget Adoption; Vote on Tax Rate
Wednesday, Sept. 12 – Town Lake Center (if necessary)
Budget Adoption; Vote on Tax Rate
It is extremely important that we preserve Austin’s neighborhoods, while addressing
concerns about traffic congestion. The Austin Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan
(AMATP) is our blueprint for future traffic management. In South Austin, it has been
proposed to widen South 1st and South Lamar. The City Council, on Thursday, August
23, will consider a resolution to keep the current street configurations by reducing the
AMATP designations. For South Lamar, the Council could change the designation from
a MAD 6 road (three lanes on each side of a median or center turn lane) back to a MAD 4
(two lanes on each side of a median or center turn lane). On South First, the MAD 4
designation could be returned to an MNR 4 (minor arterial – four lanes), which is
what it is today. South Austin neighborhoods and businesses interested in what happens with
their streets should attend the Public Hearing on August 23rd at 6:00 p.m.
8/9/01--SLNA meeting on 8/16, Special
Hi gang,
The regular August SLNA meeting is next Thursday at 7pm.
We'll have a special program presented by Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Gail McGlamery, Community Services Program Manager:
It will be a slide-show about the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer. It is important to the District that the community be aware of the environmentally sensitive area we live in. The South Lamar Neighborhood Association is an ideal forum because your neighborhood is located very close to the recharge zone. The slide-show is 10-15 minutes long and includes information and pictures which are both insightful and interesting.
I will putting the agenda together ASAP. If you have an item you wish to place on the agenda, please email me right away.
8/9/01--Vote on Lamar, S.
1st MAD 4/6 delayed
Council discussion on MAD 4/6 for Lamar, South1st will be
postponed 'til 8/23.
7/31/01--National Night Out is this coming Tuesday, August 7th
The plan is to gather at Kay Dorsey's place-- 3304 B Dolphin Cove--at 7pm.
This will be a central gathering point where APD, EMS & AFD will come to meet. Since this is designed to be a block involvement type affair (get to know your immediate neighbors), we'll break from there and head back to our respective streets.
We are getting together materials on NNO and some SLNA flyers that you can take back to your streets and go door to door getting your block together.
'National Night Out' is designed to:
*Heighten crime and drug prevention
*Generate support and participation in crime efforts
*Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police community
*Send a message to criminals to let them know that
neighborhoods are organized and fighting back
'National Night Out' is a great opportunity for citizens and law enforcement to join forces to promote crime and drug prevention awareness and to strengthen the police-community partnership. We encourage everyone to come out in force, show community bonding and strength and tell the criminal element that we as a society are not going to just sit back and let crime occur in our neighborhoods without doing something about it. On August 7th, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., residents are asked to turn on their porch lights, lock their doors and spend the evening outside with their neighbors, police officers and fire fighters. . Many neighborhoods will be having cookouts, block parties, parades, visits from law enforcement officers, flashlight walks, contests, and youth activities.
Plan on some socializing on Tuesday Aug
7/27/01--New Austin Police Dept. Commander for Southwest Area
Introducing Gary Olfers, the new APD Commander for our Southwest area. Meet him in person September 11 at the Commander's Forum.
This release to us from APD:
My name is Gary Olfers, and I am the new Commander for the
Southwest Area. I am very happy to be here. I have lived in
South Austin since my parents moved here in 1958. I grew up in
Barton Hills, graduated from Travis High, and have been a South Austin
Bubba ever since. I have wanted to work “David” Sector my entire
career with the Police Department, but I never got the opportunity until
now. Better late than never.
I have been a police officer since
1974, and a Commander since 1990. I started working in “Charlie”
Sector, as a patrol officer and since then, I think I have worked in
just about every area of the Department. I have worked in Patrol,
Traffic Office, CIB, Communications, Training, Vice, Internal Affairs,
Narcotics, and now back in Patrol. I think that the Community
Policing policies we now have are sound policies. I look forward to
meeting all of you at the next Commanders Forum, if I do not see you on
National Night Out, or the Chief’s Forum. Please feel free to
call me at 385-7735 for assistance.
7/25/01--Update on Tramel Crow/Taco Xpress
Hi gang,
I finally spoke with the Tramel Crow Residential division rep for this
project, Bob Buzbee, about their possible development of the South
Lamar/Bluebonnet property where Taco Xpress is located. They have not
closed on the property yet. They are still working through issues,
one being Maria's lease! They are not close enough to sit down and
talk yet. He said they are planning a "high end"
apartment project with a possible "retail element" on Lamar.
I asked him about the WalMart rumors.... He said that nothing like that
was in the plan at all. Let's put that fire out once and for
all.... I keep hearing that rumor surface over and over.
He said he will look forward to meeting with us as it begins to
develop. He said they might be using Laura Toups, Urban Design
Group, and Terry Bray (legal).
Here is his contact info:
Bob Buzbee
488-9900 ext 12
480-9424 fax
221 W. 6th S-1540
Austin, 78701
Bryan King
Dateline Austin 7/24/01--TX Planning Commission Delays Howell Sub Division Till 7-31-01
Short version: No action, delayed for one week.
Long version: We made a darn good case. Questioning the retention pond, trees, ROW, and plat notes.
The plat got changed this afternoon and no longer says Condo on it. They had no tree survey, we provided one (Howell's own copy) and they will study that. Testimony on the full pond last November held the most weight. They directed staff to study and report back next week. I will be calling the head of transportation tomorrow to challenge the ROW waiver that has been issued.
Catch a replay on Ch 6 if you can. Carol, Camille, Kevin, and Patricia all did a superb job! You guys rock!
It may not have gained us a lot...the project will still go on I think, we'll see. We did get a wider road and maybe we'll force Howell to play fair with the tress. I do think we gained a great deal of respect with the PC tonight. We came off pretty sharp.
Bryan King
P.S. Jean Mather made an unprecedented motion to "DENY" the sub division plan (that has never been done). It failed to get a second and never went to vote. But she sure was backing us!
Dateline Austin Texas 7/21/01--New Venue for the Friday Social Hour, La Feria 6pm
A few brave souls made it out in the heat to Maria's tonight. Last week same thing, but we did have a small portable water fan... it helped a little, but not really. With our meeting starting at 6pm... this town is still too hot outside.
So, in talking with Patricia tonight, she formulated a Summer Heat Relief plan. Let's try La Feria next week for out Friday get together.... we'll miss the great music at Maria's but we'll have the air conditioning! Sitting outside it is hard to tell what is hottest, you or your food...
Patricia was going to venture down there tonight and check the Friday crowd out there. Let's give it a try next week and see it is a cool enough spot for the SLNA crowd. Maria's is too cool, but too hot for this time of year... When the heat breaks we'll head back to the hottest spot on the Boulevard!